Oracle CCI and OJAudit SonarQube Plugins

In this blog I introduce to you two sonarQube plugins for Oracle FMW products.
The CCI (Code Compliance Inspector) plugin and the OJAudit plugin.
Both plugins use standard JDeveloper tooling for screening the sources of your JDeveloper project and place the result in a XML report.
The OJAudit plugin introduced in SonarQube a new language and repository both called OJAudit. With the use of the rulehelp.txt file, in the default conf directory of the SonarQube installation, the rules are loaded inside the OJAudit repository.
The CCI plugin introduced in SonarQube the new language and repository CCI. With the already generated rules, profile en SQALE xml files, that are package inside. The plugin wil insert the rules in the repository and create a default Sonar Way profile, and put all the rules under the SQALE rating of maintenance with the a default solution time of 5 minutes. The rules.xml, profile.xml and sqale.xml files are generated by a xslt file that used the AssertionCatalog-AIA_11.x.xml as input.
Both Sonar plugins used the Sonar CommandExecutor for calling the specific JDeveloper tooling that generate the result in a XML file inside the project folder. After the analysing has finished the report will be read by the plugin and the violations and issues are isolated and parsed into SonarQube.
The source-code of the plugins can be found here:
Have fun trying it..