Integrating PL/SQL table records into Word

In a previous blog I talked about replacing text tags in a Word docx template. So replacing single text item tags in the document with a value from the database (for instance the tag #NAME_CLIENT# ).
The issue I came across was then if you want to display mutiple rows with multiple columns where the number of rows could be many (like select * from employee) this replace functionality will not do.
This blog is an extension of my previous blog and describes a way to display this table data in a Word document. For this we also need to use the PL/SQL Utility Library “Alexandria".
What we need:
1) Word-document in docx format (Microsoft Word version 2007 and higher).
2) Several Oracle packages from the PL/SQL library Alexandria (
3) Client machine must have Word installed.
4) Word template must have been saved in a database tabel as a blob.
See also my previous blog about these points.
Modify Alexandria packages
A Word table is in coding very similiar to structure to a html table, it has table, row and cell structure information. Since we need lots of coding to make such a table in word, we need a large variable to contain all the Word table structure and PL/SQL table data.
What we want in the end is this: replacing a tag in the Word template with the created Word table.
The best way to do this is by putting all this data in a CLOB variable. So we need to create an new type in the database:
create or replace TYPE "T_CLOB_ARRAY" is TABLE OF CLOB;
For all this to work we make to make some adjustments to the standard replace functionality.
We need to modify the Alexandria function called OOXML_UTIL_PKG.get_file_from_template.
We need to add 2 new in parameters with an default in-value for (that way other procedures calling this function will continue to work).
We also need to add a call to a new function called string_util_pkg.multi_replace_clob, just above the existing call to multi_replace (see also next paragraph)
function get_file_from_template
( p_template in blob
, p_names in t_str_array
, p_values in t_str_array
, p_names_clob in t_clob_array DEFAULT t_clob_array() -- new in parameter
, p_values_clob in t_clob_array DEFAULT t_clob_array() -- new in parameter
) return blob
l_file_list zip_util_pkg.t_file_list;
l_docx blob;
l_blob blob;
l_clob clob;
l_returnvalue blob;
Purpose: performs substitutions on a template
Remarks: template file can be Word (docx), Excel (xlsx), or Powerpoint (pptx)
l_file_list := zip_util_pkg.get_file_list (p_template);
for i in 1 .. l_file_list.count loop
l_blob := zip_util_pkg.get_file (p_template, l_file_list(i));
if l_file_list(i) in
( 'word/document.xml'
, 'word/header1.xml'
, 'word/footer1.xml'
, 'xl/sharedStrings.xml') or
(l_file_list(i) like 'ppt/slides/slide%.xml')
l_clob := sql_util_pkg.blob_to_clob (l_blob);
-- **** New function call *******
l_clob := string_util_pkg.multi_replace_clob
( l_clob
, p_names_clob
, p_values_clob
); -- this has been added
-- **** End New function call *******
l_clob := string_util_pkg.multi_replace
( l_clob
, p_names
, p_values); -- for tekst array
l_blob := sql_util_pkg.clob_to_blob (l_clob);
end if;
zip_util_pkg.add_file (l_returnvalue, l_file_list(i), l_blob);
end loop;
zip_util_pkg.finish_zip (l_returnvalue);
return l_returnvalue;
end get_file_from_template;
We also need to extend the Alexandria package STRING_UTIL_PKG with a new function body (and off course header) called multi_replace_clob.
This function will replace the tags in the Word-document with the clob variable containing the word table.
function multi_replace_clob ( p_clob in clob
, p_search_for in t_clob_array
, p_replace_with in t_clob_array
) return clob
l_returnvalue clob;
-- Deze function is needed if a clob > 32k is used to replace in a clob
function replace_clob( in_source IN CLOB
, in_search IN VARCHAR2
, in_replace IN CLOB
l_pos pls_integer;
l_pos := instr(in_source, in_search);
IF l_pos > 0 THEN
RETURN substr(in_source, 1, l_pos-1)
|| in_replace
|| substr(in_source, l_pos+LENGTH(in_search));
RETURN in_source;
END replace_clob;
l_returnvalue := p_clob;
if p_search_for.count > 0 then
for i in 1 .. p_search_for.count
l_returnvalue := replace_clob (l_returnvalue, p_search_for(i), p_replace_with(i));
end loop;
end if;
return l_returnvalue;
end multi_replace_clob;
A table cell in Word
A table is nothing more then multiple rows containing multiple cells.
I have created a function that returns the Word equivalent of a table cell. For each cell you can modify the width, and if you want to add a certain format (bold, italic and/or underscore).
function add_td ( p_parameter in varchar2
, p_width in number default 2880 --5000 --
, p_format in varchar2 default ''
) return varchar2
-- Function used to return data as a Word table cell tabel cell
-- Programmer may also add the width of the cel, but make sure all cells in the column
-- are the same width ( so for instance also the header )
-- Programmer may choose to make the bold, underscore or italic ( or a combination of those )
-- l_style determines the font, size and format of the cell
-- Tohama is chosen because its best readable in small fonts
-- A fontsize of 16 here means in Word de height will be 8
l_style varchar2(4000) :=
WHEN instr(p_format, 'b') > 0
then '<w:b w:val="true"/>'
else null
end ||
WHEN instr(p_format, 'u') > 0
then '<w:u w:val="single"/>'
else null
end ||
WHEN instr(p_format, 'i') > 0
then '<w:i w:val="single"/>'
else null
end ||
'<w:rFonts w:ascii="Tahoma" w:hAnsi="Times New Roman" w:cs="Times New Roman"/><w:sz w:val="16"/></w:rPr>';
return '<w:tc>'||
'<w:tcPr><w:tcW w:w="'||p_width||'" w:type="dxa"/></w:tcPr>'||
l_style ||
end add_td;
A Word table in a clob
This function returns the employee data in the form of a Word table. Each column value of the Oracle table calls the add_td function, encasing the data in a Word cell makeup. We must make sure to add the row and table Word markings to complete the Word table.
function get_employee_data return CLOB
cursor c_emp is
select,, emp.sexe, emp.address,
from employee emp
l_emp CLOB;
l_table_borders varchar2(4000);
l_width number := 2800;
-- the borders of the table
l_table_borders :=
'<w:top w:val="single" w:sz="12" w:space="0" w:color="000000" />'||
'<w:start w:val="single" w:sz="12" w:space="0" w:color="000000" />'||
'<w:bottom w:val="single" w:sz="12" w:space="0" w:color="000000" />'||
'<w:end w:val="single" w:sz="12" w:space="0" w:color="000000" />'||
'<w:insideH w:val="single" w:sz="12" w:space="0" w:color="000000" />'||
'<w:insideV w:val="single" w:sz="12" w:space="0" w:color="000000" />'||
l_emp:= '<w:tbl>'; -- The start of the table
-- the header of the table
l_emp:= l_emp ||
'<w:tr><w:trPr><w:trHeight w:val="200" w:hRule="exact"/></w:trPr>'||
add_td('ID', l_width, 'bu')||
add_td('Name', l_width, 'bu')||
add_td('Sexe', 500, 'bu')||
add_td('Address', l_width, 'bu')||
add_td('City', l_width, 'bu')||
-- we want the borders on the employee data, not on the header
l_emp:= l_ emp || l_table_borders;
for j in c_emp
-- this constitues 1 row on the table
l_emp:= l_emp ||
'<w:tr><w:trPr><w:trHeight w:val="200" w:hRule="exact"/></w:trPr>'||
end loop;
l_ emp := l_emp || '</w:tbl>'; -- The end of the table
return l_ emp;
end get_employee_data;
Make the document
In this procedure we retrieve the Word template from the database and replace the tags in the template with data.
There is one tag (#EMPLOYEES#) that is being replaced by a CLOB, and two normal tags (#BUSINESS# and #DATE#) that are being replaced with text.
Create a screen in Apex and add a button that calls this procedure:
procedure make_document
CURSOR c_template ( cp_template_name varchar2) IS
SELECT filename
, content as data
, description
, mime_type
, character_set
FROM mv_documents
WHERE description = cp_template_name;
r_template c_template%ROWTYPE;
l_names_string gvg_owner.T_STR_ARRAY := gvg_owner.T_STR_ARRAY();
l_values_string gvg_owner.T_STR_ARRAY := gvg_owner.T_STR_ARRAY();
l_names_clob gvg_owner.t_clob_array := gvg_owner.t_clob_array();
l_values_clob gvg_owner.t_clob_array := gvg_owner.t_clob_array();
l_new_file blob;
l_new_file_naam varchar2(200);
l_clob clob;
-- get the word template from the table
OPEN c_template ( 'employee_template' );
FETCH c_template INTO r_template;
CLOSE c_template;
l_clob := get_employee_data;
l_names_clob(1) := '#EMPLOYEES#';
l_values_clob(1) := l_clob;
-- add some simple tekst replacements
l_names_string(1) := '#BUSSINESS#';
l_values_string(1) := 'Integration & Application Talents';
l_names_string(2) := '#DATE#';
l_values_string(2) := to_char(sysdate,’DD-MM-YYYY’);
l_new_file := ooxml_util_pkg.get_file_from_template
, l_names_string
, l_values_string
, l_names_clob
, l_values_clob );
l_new_file_naam := 'Employees.docx';
l_length := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH( l_new_file);
owa_util.mime_header( r_template.mime_type, FALSE );
htp.p('Content-length: ' || l_length);
htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'||l_new_file_name||'"');
wpg_docload.download_file( l_new_file );
end make_document;

With few adjustments to the Alexandria packages you can enrich your documents with a table in Word displaying your PL/SQL data from the database.
The only disadvantage is that for each new table you wish to display, you will need to create a procedure. But with simple cut and paste of the code that won't take much time.
Open Office XML:
My previous blog (in Dutch):