Improving login performance on OFM EMC

A new parameter, introduced in in speeds up login on the Enterprise manager by using cached results when available.It is described in note 1423893.1 on the Oracle support site.It involves adding the parameter oracle.sysman.emas.discovery.wls.FMW_DISCOVERY_USE_CACHED_RESULTS = true.
In order to locate the parameter, open the Enterprise Manager. Click on the the soa_infra entry in the tree on the left (usually something like Farm_soa_prd | SOA | soa_infra.
Open the SOA Infrastructure and locate the System MBean Browser under Administration (see image)
Now a new tree opens; navigate to: Application Defined MBeans tree | emoms.props | Location = Server Admin Server | Application = em | Properties |
Open Operations tab, click Set Property and fill in with key = “oracle.sysman.emas.discovery.wls.FMW_DISCOVERY_USE_CACHED_RESULTS” and value = “true” (without quotes). Click Invoke and ready.