Handling a N:M relation in APEX using a Shuttle

A N:M relation
There are situations where you have to handle a N:M relation between tables in APEX.
Normal way would be to have a parent & child Interactive Grid table, showing per parent record all the child records. To add a child record you will have to add a record, and then select the specific child record. You will have to do this one by one. Then do the same to the next parent records.
It is also harder to determine which child records already belong to the parent record.
An other way would be to introduce a shuttle box, to replace the whole IG child table.
The advantages of a shuttle:
- quick adding / removing of child records to the parent
- overview of which childs records have / have not been added to the parent
In this blog I will show you how to make a page where you can add, remove and save records using a Shuttle.
This will be the end result:

Table structure
For example this table relation structure:
A party member can have multiple spells, and a spell can belong to mulitple party members.

"Region A"
Create an Interactive Grid on the mv_party table. Include a Row Selector, but disable "Multi Select".
Set the attribute "Static ID" to IG_PARTY.
Add a hidden item to the same region named: P2350_CURRENT_ID. Make sure that attribute "Value Protected" is disabled.
"Regio B"
Create a second "Static Content" region.
Add a region button named "Save" with as action Submit.
Add a shuttle item: P2350_PARTY_MEMBER_SPELLS.
For the attribute "Sql Query" use this:
SELECT name d
, id r
FROM mv_spells
order by name
This will display all the spells in the left side of the shuttle, in which the party member doesn't have access yet.
Dynamic Actions
Create the following Dynamic Actions
"On page load"
This DA makes sure it selects the previous selected record again after you save the data.
Page Load:
- Execute Javascript code
var l_current_value = $v(P2350_CURRENT_ID);
var widget = apex.region('IG_PARTY').widget();
var grid = widget.interactiveGrid('getViews','grid');
var model = grid.model;
try {
if ( l_current_value != -1 ) {
model.forEach(function(r) {
var record = r;
var value1 = model.getValue(record,'ID');
if(value1 == l_current_value) {
apex.region("IG_PARTY").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews", "grid").setSelectedRecords([record], true);
} catch (err ) {
"On Selection Change"
This DA sets the current ID of the party member in de item: P2350_CURRENT_ID
It will display the records in the right side of the shuttle to which the party member has access to.
Event: Selection Change [Interactive Grid]
Selection Type: Region
Region: "Region A"
- Execute Javascript code
var i_id;
var gridID = "IG_PARTY";
var ig$ = apex.region(gridID).widget();
var grid = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews","grid");
var model = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews","grid").model;
var selectedRecords = grid.getSelectedRecords();
try {
i_id = model.getValue( selectedRecords[0], "ID");
} catch(err) {
i_id = -1;
apex.item( "P2350_CURRENT_ID" ).setValue (i_id);
- Set Value, SQL statement:
select listagg(psl.SPL_ID, ':') within group ( order by spl.name ) d
where psl.PRY_ID = :P2350_CURRENT_ID
and spl.id = psl.spl_id
Items to Submit: P2350_CURRENT_ID
"On Row initialisation"
This DA sets the current ID of the party member in de item: P2350_CURRENT_ID.
It will display the records in the right side of the shuttle to which the party member has access to.
Event: Row Initialisation [Interactive Grid]
Selection Type: Region
Region: "Region A"
- Execute Server-side Code
:P2350_CURRENT_ID := :ID;
Items to Submit: ID
Items to Return: P2350_CURRENT_ID
- Set Value, SQL statement
select listagg(psl.SPL_ID, ':') within group ( order by spl.name ) d
where psl.PRY_ID = :P2350_CURRENT_ID
and spl.id = psl.spl_id
Items to Submit: P2350_CURRENT_ID
Now all we need is to save changes to the Shuttle box. Create an Execute Code process on clicking of the save button.
l_current_id NUMBER := to_number ( :P2350_CURRENT_ID );
l_spells varchar2(4000) := ':'||:P2350_PARTY_MEMBER_SPELLS||':';
-- adding spells to the list
insert into mv_party_spells ( pry_id, spl_id )
( select l_current_id, spl.id
from mv_spells spl
where l_spells like '%:' || spl.id || ':%'
select l_current_id, psl.spl_id
from mv_party_spells psl
where psl.pry_id = l_current_id
-- now delete spells not belonging to the current party member
delete from mv_party_spells psl
where psl.pry_id = l_current_id
and l_spells not like '%:' || psl.spl_id || ':%';
And at last add a branch process to get back to the current page.